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Building Full-Stack Applications For Today's Web.

Pioneering digital frontiers through adept full-stack web development. I invite you to explore my diverse selection of projects, get a taste of the cutting-edge technologies I employ, and gain insights into my ambitious future roadmap — a testament to my relentless quest for growth and innovation.

Crafting Dynamic Web Solutions

Specialising in Crafting Dynamic Web Solutions, my personal portfolio encapsulates my dedication to innovative design and advanced development. Each project underscores my passion for creating user-centric, visually appealing, and functional digital experiences.

Some things I built

Featured Projects

elite fitness
elite fitness project

Elite Fitness, A full-stack Django app, your online source for health supplements, fitness equipment, & juicers. Join us for convenient access to top-quality products and exclusive offers. Elevate your health and fitness journey with Elite Fitness.

  • Python 47.59%
  • HTML 45.01%
  • JavaScript 5.15%
  • CSS 2.24%
  • Procfile 0.01%
himawari sushi
himawari sushi project

Himawari Sushi is a Django application that features sushi recipes. It uses Django, Vite.js, and Tailwind CSS for a visually appealing interface. Our platform provides food delivery and a community for exploring Japanese cuisine. With Cloudinary and Heroku, we ensure a seamless user experience.

  • Python 59.07%
  • HTML 32.41%
  • TypeScript 4.84%
  • CSS 2.90%
  • JavaScript 0.75%
  • Procfile 0.01%
freyja healing
freyja healing project

Freyja Healing is statically generated nuxt.js application & is the culmination of my work as a full stack software developer. The project was developed as part of my diploma program, and it showcases my skills in building a fully functional web application from scratch. The application is built using a variety of technologies and tools.

  • Vue 89.18%
  • CSS 4.33%
  • JavaScript 4.32%
  • TypeScript 2.16%

Other Works

pantry project

Pantry makes use of Nuxt.js & Spoonacular API to offer a user-friendly platform for exploring various dishes. It empowers users to store their favorite recipes; granting prompt access to revisit the exciting world of culinary delights anytime.

  • Vue 89.72%
  • JavaScript 6.80%
  • TypeScript 2.89%
  • CSS 0.59%

Were I have worked

Freelance Web Developer
2024 - Present Web Developer
Primary Responsibilities:
  • Client Requirements Analysis
  • Custom Web Design and Development
  • Responsive Web Design Implementation
  • SEO Optimisation
  • Technical Support and Troubleshooting
  • Website Maintenance and Updates


Driven web developer, designer, and entrepreneur, my digital journey sparked to life in 2017 when I crafted a WordPress website for my health business. This venture wasn't just a business initiative; it was the spark that ignited my curiosity in the vast expanse of the digital universe. As I navigated through design challenges and coding problems, I discovered the joy of unveiling solutions and creating user-friendly interfaces. This pursuit to enhance reach and growth for my business turned into an enriching learning journey, fuelling a yearning to know more, do more, and delve deeper into the fascinating realm of technology.

This ignited a passion that led to a diploma in Full Stack Software Development from Code Institute and is now propelling me through a BSc in Computing at the Technological University of Dublin. Tapping into technology's transformative potential, I passionately embrace opportunities to enhance my understanding of software development. My quest is to continually refine my knowledge, striving to fulfil my highest potential within the ever-evolving canvas of computer science."

Technologies I use

  • Javascript (ES6+)

    The latest features from JavaScript

  • Python 3

    A is a high-level, general-purpose programming language.

  • NuxtJS

    A intuitive Vue framework

  • VueJS

    A progressive JavaScript framework

  • Mongo DB

    MongoDB is a source-available cross-platform document-oriented database program.

  • GitHub

    Hosting service for version control.

  • Meilisearch

    An open-source, lightning-fast, and hyper-relevant search engine.

  • Tailwindcss

    A utility-first CSS framework

  • Express

    A minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework

  • Cloudflare

    A global network built for the cloud

  • Linux

    A open-source Unix-like operating system based on the Linux kernel

  • Figma

    A Figma is a collaborative web application for interface design

  • Git

    A free and open source software for distributed version control


  • Interface Design and Web Development
  • CS50's Introduction to Computer Science
  • Computer Technology 1
  • Programming Paradigms and Data Structures
  • Introduction to React: Building Dynamic Web Applications

Whats next?

Ready to explore new opportunities & challenges. Reach out anytime for potential partnerships or career opportunities.

Copyright © 2024 Designed & Created by Ciaran Toner

Built with Nuxt | Vue.js & Tailwindcss   v 1.6.1